Was trying to align the engine mounts to refit the fuel tanks and noticed that the engine mounts undo when you turn them slightly.
To fix this I added a nut to the back of the rubber bush so that it was locked in placed, I also straightened the aluminium plate that the tank bush slides on.
When removing the engine mounts I discovered all the engine bolts were heavily corroded, so have been replacing them with stainless bolts. Looks like the Kove is fine till it gets wet then just starts to corrode due to lack of grease on bolts.
Bolt sizes can be found out from Kove USA, sadly the UK version is a bit crap and looks like its edited by someone who doesn’t know how to manage websites or optimise them.
Parts are slowly arriving from Uncle Wang and AliExpress, so some minor upgrades will be happening as well as fixing all the issues.